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Showing posts from February, 2019

Killer Robots: Should AI be used in wars?

In war it makes sense to keep more soldiers out of harm’s way-this means our future will be filled with autonomous weapons- tools that can select and target specific humans, even without human oversight. With discoveries such as killer drones used by the American military to carry out assassinations, it begs the questions – is it  ethical to use AI robots in war ? The primary reason against the use of AI in war is that  a robot cannot deliberate or feel the weight of the decision to take a human life . The second, is that if a robot should do something so terrible,  there is no one to hold accountable or responsible . This lack of accountability is disrespectful to the enemy and rules of war. Like pledging beforehand that there will be no punishment for soldiers breaking the law. However,  should a robot be developed that is perfect- always killing the right person-  minimizing the amount of harm necessary to complete the task,  so why not? ...

30+ Powerful Artificial Intelligence Examples you Need to Know

Artificial Intelligence (AI) may look like something out of the pages of a sci-fi book, yet you’d be surprised how often you use it daily. As the technology continues to improve, AI will become even more common with more widespread utilization among diverse industries. To start with, let’s begin with the basic definition of  Artificial Intelligence (AI)  and what it includes. Seeking Alpha gives a very apt description of the same in their article- At a basic level, artificial intelligence is the concept of machines accomplishing tasks which have historically required human intelligence. AI can be broken down into two distinct fields: Applied AI: Machines designed to complete very specifics tasks like navigating a vehicle, trading stocks, or playing chess – as IBM’s Deep Blue demonstrated in 1996 when it defeated chess grand master Gerry Kasparov. General AI: Machines designed to complete any task which would normally require human intervention. The broad nature of ...